Our Impact

Carbon footprint assessment

Camusat has carried out its first carbon assessment in 2021 and this approach covers the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Camusat’s activities and its value chain on scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Our methodology

Declared GHG emissions take into account the group’s energy consumption, refrigerant leaks, waste, purchases of goods and services, employee business and home-work travel, fixed assets, energy purchases on behalf of the customer for its facilities and freight.

All of the subsidiaries have been included in the scope of the carbon footprint. Camusat reports no GHG emissions on franchises and investments.

The GHG emissions saved and avoided by customers thanks to energy efficiency and renewable technologies have not been counted as negative emissions for the carbon footprint.

Responsible management of our waste

Reducing waste saves exhaustible and precious raw materials, limits the impact on the environment and the climate, reduces the need for incineration or waste storage and controls management costs of this waste (collection, recycling, energy recovery, disposal).

We defined our waste and hazardous products management policy, assumed by all Group’s subsidiaries with the aim of “buying better”, “using better” and “disposing better”.

The Group has also provided the subsidiaries with a tool allowing them to precisely monitor the hazardous waste and products stored and those collected for recovery.

The Group sets the objectives for the subsidiaries to review the organization of their storage warehouses, to systematize the recording of waste generated by category and to seek recovery solutions within their country, favoring recycling and reuse for a second life.

Controlling our energy consumption

We are also attentive to the consumption of energy and natural resources such as water and to the various actions taken by our subsidiaries to reduce them. For example, raising awareness among our employees as soon as they are integrated into eco-gestures or even switching to LED lighting in our subsidiaries.

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